Unique business or holiday accommodation
in the city of Ferrol
Direct Booking
Book directly with us, without intermediaries or commissions.
Best Price
Enjoy the advantages of direct booking.
Cafeteria and restaurant serving traditional cuisine.
Own car park with direct access to the rooms.
Free Wifi network in all our facilities.

It combines a strategic location with high quality services and facilities to offer a unique business or holiday accommodation in the city of Ferrol.
Located in front of the beautiful Porta Nova Square, whose arch commemorates the entrance to the old city wall, between the intersection of two of the city's main avenues, the Gran Hotel de Ferrol is a classic and elegant establishment.
Possibly the best hotel in the city if you want to be close to everything and a quiet place to spend your working days or holidays.
Enjoy the restaurant Castilla 75, a place where you can taste the typical dishes of Galician cuisine, as well as its cafeteria with an extensive menu of snacks and cocktails in a cosy and familiar atmosphere.

Celebrate your professional or personal event, with our spacious conference or banqueting rooms where you will have everything you need for the success of your event.